Twisted News

Choosing a project for Gradient style yarn.

An Evolution is a beautiful thing.  The colors have been carefully chosen to work beautifully together.  Each transition has been meticulously blended to create an entirely new section of color that seamlessly fades from one to the next.  This work of art should be kept together at all costs!   Use all the yarn! If you…

Ravelry Searches

I have gotten some questions lately about the best way to choose a project for an evolution.  Some of you are interested in how best to use a gradient in general, and I will cover that in another article coming soon. The most pressing issue at the moment is that you have a sizable Twisted…

Final KISS! Club Shipment Delayed

Dye shipment delayed We are very close to completing all of the KISS! Club orders, HOWEVER, due to circumstances beyond our control, the shipment for the dye necessary to complete Dissent has been delayed.  We expect its delivery to push the processing of the final few club orders into the following week. This means the…

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